Indoor GIS for Enhanced Safety & Alarm Response White Paper

January 3, 2024

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In the demanding industries of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, semiconductor, F&B, automotive and chemical manufacturing, the rapidity and precision of emergency response are not just operational needs—they are imperatives, that safeguard human life, material assets and production. This white paper casts a spotlight on the critical role advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and asset location technology play in elevating the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency/alarm responses and EHS workflows in these high-stakes environments.

The paper examines the challenges industrial facilities face, such as the complexity of large facilities, the intricacies of Emergency Response Teams' (ERT) alarm management, and the multifaceted roles of EHS teams in maintaining facility-wide safety. With detailed case studies and pragmatic solutions, this white paper advocates for an approach that blends swift action through the latest technology to enhance safety and ensure operational continuity.

Discover how the integration of PlantQuest's Asset & Alarm location technology drastically reduces critical response times by up to 72%,transforming emergency response and safeguarding both lives and assets in complex industrial facilities.

Experience the advantage of PlantQuest's system in transforming EHS workflows. Learn how PlantQuest has removed all evacuations in a leading pharma facility leading to a substantial Return-On-Investment, setting anew benchmark for operational efficiency.

PlantQuest emerges as a pioneering solution in this realm. Its EHS solution revolutionizes asset management and emergency response through a suite of tools that offer real-time data overlay,advanced alarm location, and navigational excellence. The case studies featured validate the significant enhancements in response times, operational efficiency, and overall safety, culminating intangible ROI within months of implementation

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